E Fertigator

Automate your fertilizer delivery with advanced precision and control. Web based interface allows you to set the fertigation receipe, schedule and many other parameters to optimize your greenhouse. With redundunt EC and Ph sensors , and remote minitoring with realtime notifications, you can rest assure that your greenhouse fertigation is running trouble free.

Climate Control

Can be used as a standalone device, or connected to the cloud via the Greenhouse controller. Climate controller can control all aspects of your greenhouse’s climate, by controlling the exhaust fans, cooling pads and sunshades. Once configured, this device can operate via a time based schedule and or a event based schedule to get best results of your greenhouse.

Sensor Node

Connect as many as six different sensors to measure your greenhouse data. Sensors range from CO2, O2, Humidity, Temperator to many other compatible sensors. Data gathered can be viewed on the device, on the mobile app, as well all the data will be stored in the cloud. Cloud data can be viewed through the web based dashboard, as well be used for cloud based AI algorithms, to optimize your greenhouse.

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